Here are some of the books I've read and loved:

Living In the Light by Shakti Gawain
About 19 Years ago (oh my) this book just sort of "zinged" on the shelf before me. I'd never heard of it. It changed my life. Really. Learning to listen to and follow our intuition is one of the the greatest gifts we can cultivate for ourselves, and for the world.

Loving-Kindness by Sharon Salzberg
During a rough emotional time this book was suggested and I couldn't put it down. It felt like Sharon was right there beside me reassuring me as I learned how to more deeply love myself, and all living beings. (note; I'm not quite there! Loving everyone takes time!)

A Heart As Wide As the World by Sharon Salzberg
Examples of living the Dharma in life.

After the Ecstasy, the Laundry by Jack Kornfield
When I first started meditating I experienced extreme euphoria, then it faded...Jack's book helped me understand.

Going On Being by Mark Epstein
Mark is a psychotherapist and Buddhist teacher. We can integrate Buddhism with our western way of life!
